Queensland > South Queensland > Sunshine Coast

Teewah Beach

Type Coastal
Conditions E
Height 30m / 98ft
Rating PG2, HG2 When the wind is straight on Teewah is an easy beginner launch. When the wind shifts to NE, intermediate skills are required for launch, and it is wise to have an experienced pilots assist with take off
15km N of Noosa.


Access to the site is by 4 wheel drive vehicle only. You need to cross the North Shore Vehicle Ferry at Tewantin ($15 each way). Buy tickets here. https://noosa-northshoreferries.com.au/ferry-tickets-and-prices/

In order to drive on the beach a recreational vehicle permit is also required. This can be purchased annually or daily. https://parks.desi.qld.gov.au/management/managed-areas/recreation/vehicle-permits

Vehicle permits can be purchased at the National Parks office as you approach the Tewantin Ferry, or online (Cooloola Recreation Area). https://qpws.usedirect.com/QPWS/default.aspx


The site is in a National Park, run by Queensland parks and Wildlife Services (QPWS) who are part of Departmen tof Environment and Science (DES)



See also


The SAFA recognised Site Manager is Sunshine Coast Free Flyers

Paraglider pilots must be members of Sunshine Coast Free Flyers to fly here. Very reasonably priced full annual and visitor membeships are available here https://freeflyers.com.au/membership-table/

Hang Glider pilots must be a member of either Sunshine Coast Free Flyers or Sunshine Coast Sports Aviators


Take off information can be found here https://freeflyers.com.au/teewah-beach/


Landing information can be found here https://freeflyers.com.au/teewah-beach/


For information on flying Teewah, click here https://freeflyers.com.au/teewah-beach/

Hazards / Comments

For site hazards https://freeflyers.com.au/teewah-beach/